Spotlight Capt. Trent Walton

Updated 2021-08-31

Squadron you belonged to as a cadet: #752 Ed Cambell in Melville


Squadron or gliding site you currently serve: Commanding Officer of #691 Hawk Indian Head


  • Can you tell us about your career? 
    • I have worked Sasktel as a Customer Service Analyst for almost 25 years, I troubleshoot and support all the technical aspects of  many complex phone systems, call centers and computer networks across western Canada.
  • What skills have you learned through cadets?
    • Being a cadet I developed a lifelong love for Aviation and the outdoors. I still enjoy survival camping, hiking and anything that flies! 
  • What training camps/ courses did you complete as a cadet?
    • Basic Traning (Penhold 1987)
    • Junior Leader Course (Penhold 1988)
    • Air Crew Survival (Cold Lake 1989)
    • Survival Instructor (Pilot Course, Cold Lake 1989)
    • Power Flying Course (Penhold 1990)
    • Air Traffic Control Course (Trenton 1991)
  •  What is one of your most memorable moments either as a cadet or working with cadets?
    ○ I have many wonderful memories of working with cadets. I have twice visited
    Vimy Ridge in France with cadets and both times found it to be a very moving
    experience. I also have many great experiences at Camp Saskadet as a cadet and
    an officer. But the best memory so far was the 2019 ACR when both of my children, Bennett and Sohpie, were cadets at the ACR with me.